Monday, June 13, 2011

Finaly Capt. Wasi along with four Pakistani and six indian,1 Srilankan and 11 Egyption Mariners released from Somali Pirates

With efforts of Ansar barni Chairman Ansar Barni  Welfare Trust  Finally Capt Wasi Hassan along with three  other Pakistani mariners (Chf Off.Ali Rehman,3rd Engr Syed  Alam and Dsl Mech. Muhammad Muzammal) and six Indian are released from Somali Pirates after paying $2.1 million. 
  Ten months ago capt. Wasi,,Chif Officer Ali Rehman,Third EngrSyed Alam and Mech Muhammad  Muzammal ,SIx indians and few Egyptians  were on board MV Suiz  an Egyptian Vessel  taking shipment from Karachi  were  kidnapped by Somalians pirates . They demanded $10 million  at first for release of these mariners.  then finalized at $ 2 .1billion.About 1.5 billion was already arranged by NGOs and cargo.  But 0.5million were to arranged . Which were finally arranged and after paying today on 13th June 2011 all mariners are released . They will reach to Pakistan,Egypt and India within 2 days.
On 28th July 2010 this ship MV Suez which is property of Egyptian Shipping company. was taking  shipment from Karachi .But it didn't Reached at the destination.
An Indian Trader K.D .Singh also promised to pay  Five hundred thousand USD. But at end he didnot pay anything.Remaining amount was managed by the people of Pakistan.Today first time after rel3ease capt. Was Talked to his Family from Somalia.
Ten Years Lialla daughter of Capt Wasi appalled  on media to the Govt of Pakistan and people of Pakistan for donation.After a long wait finally the amount was arranged and with efforts of Ansar Barni ,Chairman of Ansar Barni Welfare Trust ,Governor of sindh  and people of Pakistan finally imprisonment is over today.
Thirty five ships kidnapped  vessels are in custody of these Pirates.About 650 peoples are on board and kidnapped by these .Where are  American and their alies Drones, Where is USA  strategy of terrorism,Their Drones are only for innocent people?.
The Somalian piracy appears to have a positive impact on the problem of overfishing in Somali waters by foreign vessels, as a comparison has been made with the situation in Tanzania further to the south, which suffers from the same problem, and also lacks the means to enforce the protection and regulation of its territorial waters. There, the catches have dropped to dramatic low levels, whereas in Somalia they have risen back to more acceptable levels since the beginning of the piracy.
The pirates get most of their weapons from Yemen, but a significant amount come from Mogadishu, Somalia's capital. Weapons dealers in the capital receive a deposit from a hawala dealer on behalf of the pirates and the weapons are then driven to Punt land where the pirates pay the balance.Various photographs of pirates in situ indicate that their weapons are predominantly AKMs, RPG-7s, AK47s, and semi-automatic pistols such as the TT-30. Additionally, given the particular origin of their weaponry, they are likely to have hand grenades such as the RGD-5 or F1. Al-Qaeda reportedly funded pirates with cash to purchase weapons. 

The funding of piracy operations is now structured in a stock exchange, with investors buying and selling shares in upcoming attacks in a bourse in Harardhere. Pirates say ransom money is paid in large denomination US dollar bills. It is delivered to them in burlap sacks which are either dropped from helicopters or cased in waterproof suitcases loaded onto tiny skiffs. Ransom money has also been delivered to pirates via parachute, as happened in January 2009 when an orange container with $3 million cash inside it was dropped onto the deck of the supertanker MV Sirius Star to secure the release of ship and crew. To authenticate the banknotes, pirates use currency-counting machines, the same technology used at foreign exchange bureaus worldwide. According to one pirate, these machines are, in turn, purchased from business connections in Dubai, Djibouti, and other areas. Hostages seized by the pirates usually have to wait 45 days or more for the ships' owners to pay the ransom and secure their release. 
A 2011 report published by Geopolicity Inc, investigated the causes and consequences of international piracy, with a particular focus on piracy emanating from Somalia. The report asserts that piracy is an emerging market in its own right, valued at between US$4.9-8.3 billion in 2010 alone, and it establishes, for the first time, an economic model for assessing the costs and benefits of international piracy. This model provides a comprehensive, independent framework of trend analysis, whilst also highlighting where the greatest rates of return on international counter pirate investment and policy are to be found across what Geopolicity term the ‘Pirate Value Chain.’ The report states that the number of pirates could double by 2016, increasing by 400 each but finally  Alhadu Lillah matter is settled by the nation of Pakistan along with shipping company.

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