Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Info on 2011 National Holiday Observances in Italy


Here are the 2011 National Holiday Observances in Italy:

  1. January/gennaio
    • 1 - New Years Day (Capodanno)
    • 6 - Epiphany (Epifania)
  2. February/febbraio
  3. March/marzo
    • 17 - 150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy (150° anniversario Unità d'Italia: 17 marzo 2011 festa nazionale)
  4. April/aprile
    • 2 - Feast of St. Mark (Local only: Venice only)
    • 24 - Easter (Buona Pasqua)
    • 25 - Easter Monday (Lunedì dell'Angelo, Pasquetta)
    • 25 - Liberation Day (Festa della Liberazione)
  5. May/maggio
    • 1 - Labor Day (Festa dei Lavoratori)
  6. June/giugno
    • 2 - Founding of the Republic (Festa della Repubblica)
    • 24 - St. John the Baptist Day (Local only: Florence/Firenze; Genoa/Genova; Torino/Turin)
    • 29 - St. Peter and St. Paul's Day (Local only: Rome)
  7. July/luglio
    • 15 - St. Rosalia (Local only: Palermo)
  8. August/agosto
    • 15 - Assumption Day (Assunzione or Ferragosto)
  9. September/settembre
    • 19 - St. Gennaro's Day (Local only: Naples/Napoli)
  10. October/ottobre
    • 4 - St. Petronius (Local only: Bologna)
  11. November/novembre
    • 1 - All Saints Day (Ognissanti or Tutti i santi)
    • 3 - St. Giusto (Local only: Trieste)
  12. December/dicembre
    • 6 - St, Nichola (Local only: Bari)
    • 7 - St. Ambrogio's Day (Local only: Milan/Milano)
    • 8 - Immaculate Conception's day (Immacolata Concezione)
    • 25 - Christmas Day (Buon Natale)
    • 26 - St. Stephen's Day (Santo Stefano)
    • 31 - New Year's Eve [NOT a holiday]

* = Blog entry has been updated.

For your specific interest, please search the web for further information using Google .

The above links as of this date are/were current. If anyone has any suggestions for any other additional web sites and/or links for reference, please feel free to post your comment and I'll update this blog entry.

Please note: If you want me to reply to your comment or request any further information by email, please include your email address in a separate comment. I will NOT publish any comments with an email address in it.

Broken links: Since November, 2005, I have written over 300+ blog entries with 1,000's of corresponding links/URLs for government jobs, covering a varied and wide range of topics. In the event that you come across a broken link or a non-functioning link/URL, please post a comment and report the non-functional link. I wish to thank you in advance for assisting me in the ongoing maintenance and the updating of this successful and informative blog.

It's important for traveling to, from and within Italy to know the Italian national holiday observances. These holiday observances may affect your travel plans, visits to museums, Italian business or government offices, etc. National public transportation may be running on a limited schedule.

The above dates that are designated with the words, "Local only" means that only those cities are affected. However, these local holiday observances may affect your travel plans, visits to museums, Italian business or government offices, etc. Local public transportation may be running on a limited schedule.

That's it for Wednesday, 29 December 2010: mercoledì, 29 dicembre 2010.

Felice Anno Nuovo! (Happy New Year!)

Ciao, Ben

government jobs – #1 source of links About, For or On Italy for those individuals moving, traveling or already living in Italy.

Today’s quote is an Italian proverb, author unknown.

"In un'ora Dio lavora."

"God gets a lot done in an hour."

When you have a free moment or two, please read my wife's interesting and entertaining blog about our life in Italy:

Friends and Family in Italy

Going to Spain, read my new blog:

Info About, For or On Spain – a source of links About, For or On Spain for those individuals traveling or already living in Spain.

Please note: The time listed below for this posting is Central European Time (CET)/ GMT+1.


© Benjamin H. Licodo, 2005 - 2011, All Rights Reserved.

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