Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Best Jobs in Japan for Americans

Living in Japan can be an exotic fantasy for any young American longing to see far-off places. But traveling there and finding a place to live can cause a major hit to a bank account. For anyone wishing to make an extended stay, getting a job might be the best option. Language aptitude and education level can help you find and handle a suitable job in the Japanese workforce.

  1. Significance

    • For Americans wishing to travel to Japan and live there permanently or stay for an extended period of time, getting a job in Japan will be an important step in establishing citizenship as well as providing necessary income.


    • Getting a job teaching English to Japanese students is one of the easiest ways for an American to get work in Japan. This usually requires signing a contract with a teaching program such as the Jet Programme, and having at least a bachelor's level degree. Engineering, IT and finance jobs are also available but may be harder to land for a foreigner, as they require not only at least a bachelor's and sometimes a master's level degree but also a fluency in the Japanese language that is beyond what is required of language teachers. Jobs such as bartending and waiting tables may be easy to find, but may require skills with Japanese math and money that someone fresh to the country won't have. You will also have to keep in mind that jobs such as waiting tables don't require a degree so you will have to get a special work visa. Finding a civilian job working for the U.S. government in Japan can be another option, as they usually hire civilians for administrative and nursing jobs. But if you get a job working for Americans in Japan, you may miss out on the excitement of integrating into the Japanese culture and workforce.

    Time Frame

    • Many language teaching programs in Japan will require that their teachers sign a contract for one or two years, and those contracts must be fulfilled or you may sacrifice pay, housing (which is many times provided) and even the loss of your work visa, which could mean you will have to leave the country.


    • Okinawa is considered one of the best places for Americans to look for work in Japan, as the U.S. military presence there means that more English speakers live in the area, to which it has adapted by having more businesses and residents who speak English.


    • If you choose to find work in an area of Japan with a reasonable sized English speaking population or near a U.S. army base, it is a good idea to still have a good working knowledge of the Japanese language and monetary system and be able to read some kanji (Japanese characters). This can help you find a job more easily and will help you in interviews and even applying for work.


    • If you are an American citizen you must have a degree to work in Japan unless you are attending school and have a student visa, or are married to a Japanese citizen and have a spousal visa, or are married to a non-Japanese citizen who is working in Japan, in which case you can have a dependent visa. It is important to find out for what kind of visa you will be eligible, what you will be required to carry at all times and the rules and regulations you must follow to keep your visa, so you won't have problems once you find a job.

Read more: Best Jobs in Japan for Americans |

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