'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the Senate
Evidence was mounting of democracy's limit.
The People dismayed by what they were seeing
Sixty votes it takes to do just about anything.
The Constitution took care to protect the minority
A wealthy elite exploiting the majority.
Obama a prisoner of establishment power
Claims "victory" with words that surely taste sour.
As the healthcare battle appears to be done
the people are told, "Go to sleep now, you've won!"
The dejected masses comply and act tame
While Obama unabashedly calls out some names
Now Geithner, Now Orszag, Emanual, and Baucus
On DePearle, On Lieberman, Nelson and Sebelius
A man with a smile audaciously says, "hope"
surrounded by insiders who think I'm a dope.
"We stood up to special interests," he says as he winks
But his words are cheap, this deal really stinks.
The man with a smile says "The struggle is on"
More people look askance as they detect a con.
And when the dust settles the people will see
No healthcare reform from the powers that be.
Though believers continue to heap on their praise
Their numbers dwindle with the passing of days.
The media, corporate owned, just plays along
while the people say, "something's terribly wrong."
The Empire teeters, the establishment takes fright
But with happy faces say, 'To all a good night."

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