Wednesday, April 28, 2010

EEOC Visits the Evans School of Public Affairs

On April 14, 2010, Rodolfo Hurtado spoke about Equal Employment Opportunity laws and how their office protects employees from a variety of offenses. His Seattle Office covers Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho, and Alaska. The EEOC deals with 5 laws protecting against discrimination: Genetic Information Non-Disclosure Act (GINA), Equal Pay Act (EPA), Title VII (of the Civil Rights Act), Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), and the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA). These laws protect against discrimination based on: gender, age (≥40), disabilities, color, nationality of origin, race, religion, and genetic information. All services provided to a complainant are free

Although the EEOC is a federal agency, they protect most employees and job applicant candidates who feel they have been discriminated against based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information. Depending on the area of discrimination, different rules apply. All federal employees are covered for all types of discrimination, but for other types of employment the rules vary. If the agency that has discriminated against you is covered by the rules, you can file a complaint as an employee, a job applicant, former employee, or an applicant or participant in a training or apprenticeship program. For more information on requirements for filing a complaint, please visit the EEOC’s website

EEOC employees are responsible for investigation, mediation, conciliation, litigation and education. When a claim is submitted an officer will be assigned to investigate and make a finding whether there is or is not reasonable cause. If there is reasonable cause, the case will continue into conciliation and finally litigation. Litigation is the final piece, which most parties would like to avoid. Along the way, the EEOC officer will try mediation to resolve the issues. If you feel you have been discriminated against, you can contact the Seattle EEOC office to see what your next steps should be.
Federal Office Building
909 First Avenue
Suite 400
Seattle, WA 98104-1061 
Office Hours:
The Seattle Field Office is open Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Please call first to obtain information and/or schedule an appointment. 

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Info About Cantine Aperte (30 May 2010) in Tuscany/Toscana and the rest of Italy

Here are some links for Cantine Aperte (30 May 2010) in Tuscany/Toscana and the rest of Italy:

  • In some regions of Italy, Cantine Aperte is a two day event
  • Some of the dates on the web site of Movimento Turismo del Vino and in its regional member's section or on their respective web sites have NOT been updated for 2010 but show previous years (2008 and 2009) dates.

* = Blog entry has been updated.

For your specific interest, please search the web for further information using Google .

The above links as of this date are/were current. If anyone has any suggestions for any other additional web sites and/or links for reference, please feel free to post your comment and I'll update this blog entry.

Please note: If you want me to reply to your comment or request any further information by email, please include your email address in a separate comment. I will NOT publish any comments with an email address in it.

Broken links: Since November, 2005, I have written over 300+ blog entries with 1,000's of corresponding links/URLs for government jobs, covering a varied and wide range of topics. In the event that you come across a broken link or a non-functioning link/URL, please post a comment and report the non-functional link. I wish to thank you in advance for assisting me in the ongoing maintenance and the updating of this successful and informative blog.

That's it for Wednesday, 28 April 2010: mercoledì, 28 aprile 2010

Ciao, Ben

government jobs – #1 source of links About, For or On Italy for those individuals moving, traveling or already living in Italy.

Today’s quote is an Italian proverb in dialect from the region of Emilia Romagna, author unknown.

"Dona giuvna, vein, turtel e va la che 'l mond l'e bel. "

"Young women, wine, tortellino make the world a beautiful place."

Please read my wife's blog about our life in Italy:

Friends and Family in Italy

Going to Spain, read my new blog:

Info About, For or On Spain – a source of links About, For or On Spain for those individuals traveling or already living in Spain.

Please note: The time listed below for this posting is Central European Time (CET)/ GMT+1.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Info on some of my blog entries (URLs) regarding gaining Italian Citizenship


Here are some of my blog entries (URLs) regarding gaining Italian citizenship via Jure Sanguinis, marriage, etc.:

* = Blog entry has been updated.

For your specific interest, please search the web for further information using Google .

The above links as of this date are/were current. If anyone has any suggestions for any other additional web sites and/or links for reference, please feel free to post your comment and I'll update this blog entry.

Please note: If you want me to reply to your comment or request any further information by email, please include your email address in a separate comment. I will NOT publish any comments with an email address in it.

NOTE: If you want to leave a comment, please leave it in ENGLISH.

Broken links: Since November, 2005, I have written over 300+ blog entries with 1,000's of corresponding links/URLs for government jobs, covering a varied and wide range of topics. In the event if you come across a broken link or a non-functioning link/URL, please post a comment and report the non-functional link. I wish to thank you in advance for assisting me in the ongoing maintenance and the updating of this successful and informative blog.

That's it for Wednesday, 21 April 2010: mercoledì, 21 aprile 2010

Ciao, Ben

government jobs – #1 source of links About, For or On Italy for those individuals moving, traveling or already living in Italy.

Today’s quote is an Italian proverb from the Abruzzo region, author unknown and is in dialect.

"Chi non risica non rosica. "
"The one who doesn't take risks, can't win."

Please read my wife's blog about our life in Italy with photographs:

Friends and Family in Italy

Going to Spain, read my new blog:

Info About, For or On Spain – a source of links About, For or On Spain for those individuals traveling or already living in Spain.


BuBois on the Two Parties

And why should we "government jobs?" For the same reasons as back in 1922.

The two parties have combined against us to nullify our power by a ‘gentleman's agreement' of non-recognition, no matter how we vote ... May God write us down as asses if ever again we are found putting our trust in either the Republican or the Democratic Parties." --W.E.B. DuBois (1922)


Thanks to M. Badgett for sending me the quote.


Monday, April 19, 2010

Bruising Commentary on Obama & Dysfunctional Dems

The following is a from Godless Liberal Homo Blog, word for word, I couldn't have said it better. File this one under, Doh!

Ted Rall's syndicated column on Obama out Republicaning the Goppers is one of the best summaries of what has been wrong with this administration to date. The entire column is worth a read, but the comments on the wealthcare bill are of special interest.

Obama's revamp of healthcare, on the other hand, goes too far, perverting the liberal desire to provide healthcare for all Americans into a transfer of wealth from poor to rich that the hard right never dreamed of.

Buying into the classic, flawed, American assumption that a bad system can't get worse (ask the Iraqis and Afghans), ObamaCare entrusts 30 million new customers, to the tune of roughly ten grand a year each, to the tender mercies of private insurance companies.

ObamaCare pours hundreds of billions of dollars, some from taxpayers, the rest from poor people, into the gaping coffers of giant corporations. Once people find themselves paying even more for visits to the same crappy doctors and hospitals they can't afford now, they'll hold the Dems responsible at the polls. If Republicans stopped to think, they'd love it.

And if Democrats stopped to think, they'd hate it.

Some of us have stopped to think, and we do hate it.

The rightist policies of the Obama administration are going to cause some Democrats to vote Green at least some of the time for years. However, that won't be the biggest impact on the party. Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and their minions are doing a really effective job in persuading Democratic core constituencies that it doesn't matter much who you vote for. This means lower Democratic turnout and less volunteer time. The couch is a more effective rival than third parties, at least so far, and the DINOs in power are giving the couch a huge electoral advantage.

The Democrats are digging themselves in deeper and deeper, and they are too foolish and too bought to see it.

Source: Godless Liberal Homo Blog, "Ted Rall Nails it on Wealthcare", April 19, 2010.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Info on airport shuttles/transfer services in Tuscany/Toscana, Italy

Here are a few links for some of the airport shuttle/transfer services available in Tuscany/Toscana, Italy:

* = Blog entry has been updated.

For your specific interest, please search the web for further information using Google .

The above links as of this date are/were current. If anyone has any suggestions for any other additional web sites and/or links for reference, please feel free to post your comment and I'll update this blog entry.

Please note: If you want me to reply to your comment or request any further information by email, please include your email address in a separate comment. I will NOT publish any comments with an email address in it.

NOTE: If you want to leave a comment, please leave it in ENGLISH.

Broken links: Since November, 2005, I have written over 300+ blog entries with 1,000's of corresponding links/URLs for government jobs, covering a varied and wide range of topics. In the event if you come across a broken link or a non-functioning link/URL, please post a comment and report the non-functional link. I wish to thank you in advance for assisting me in the ongoing maintenance and the updating of this successful and informative blog.

Please note: I do NOT represent or endorse any of these links nor do I receive payment for listing them in my blog.

It should be noted that the above mentioned airport shuttles/transfer services and companies are just a sampling of what is available to the traveler going to or from Tuscany. I did not reference or mention the airport shuttles/transfer services that may be offer by establishments or individuals, e.g., hotels, agriturismos, etc. It is the responsibility of the traveler to identify the best way to get from one of the two airports in Tuscany to their respective destination either in Tuscany or beyond the region. You have many choices.

That's it for Wednesday, 14 April 2010: mercoledì, 14 aprile 2010

Ciao, Ben

government jobs – #1 source of links About, For or On Italy for those individuals moving, traveling or already living in Italy.

Today’s quote is an Italian proverb, author unknown.

"La storia si ripete."
"History repeats itself."

Please read my wife's blog about our life in Italy with photographs:

Friends and Family in Italy

Going to Spain, read my new blog:

Info About, For or On Spain – a source of links About, For or On Spain for those individuals traveling or already living in Spain.

Please note: The time listed below for this posting is Central European Time (CET)/ GMT+1.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Are we Stuck in Status Quo Due to Insanity?

We all gripe about the two-party system that caters to the establishment, thereby entrenching the status quo. That is, we gripe about our pathetic system that we're told is a "democracy," or a "republic" by purists, yet the "viable" candidates are shills for the corporate establishment, regardless of Party.

I'm reminded of a quote attributed to Albert Einstein, a definition of insanity:

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. -- Albert Einstein, (attributed)

It's with these thoughts that, back in 2009, I started another blog entitled, "Challenge the Establishment".

More recently, on GDAE Podcast Episode 29, and in a blog post entitled, "A New Politics", I've begun exploring the question, stated in several ways,

Can principled people on the left and right unite to recapture our democratic institutions from the minority establishment?

Many people react to this with a rolling of the eyes, and thoughts of Sarah Palin in mind... but she's not "principled."

I'm not talking about "uniting" in terms electoral party politics, e.g., a third party. Rather, uniting on issue advocacy, with the result that law makers, and administrations, that don't heed the unified voice of the people will pay a steep price.

Surely I'm not alone in this thinking. There is evidence of the left & right uniting, to greater or lesser success:
  • Challenging Clinton's 1995 Anti-terrorism legislation on civil liberties grounds.
  • Turning back 2003 media regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that would have allowed more consolidation of ownership (and power).
  • Challenging the recent Supreme Court decision in Citizens United? Surveys show vast majorities of the general public, left and right, oppose the decision*.
So, in an effort to break from the path of insanity, I'm engaging in this exploration. I invite others to join me, and point me to people who might be further along this path.

* A February poll by ABC News/Washington Post found that 80 percent of Americans oppose the Supreme Court ruling on Citizens United, including 73 percent of self-described conservatives. Former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, at 80-years of age, hit the speaking circuit to denounce the decision due in great part to concern about it's effect on State judicial elections.


ABC News poll on Citizens United, Summary & Link to Poll Questions & Results.

Art: Break the Mould by lex-strat

Originally published on GDAEman Blog.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Same Sentiments in UK

The sentiment that led me to create this blog is widely held. A recent post on Falling on a Bruise Blog provides an example.

The post kicks off with:

The Queen has spoken and the UK election is finally underway...

Of course, reality quickly sets in:

By nature i'm a Labour voter but since the Iraq War, i can't bring myself to vote for them until all remnants of that tainted cabinet have been expunged. It really irks me how they speak out afterwards but went along with it at the time.

Then, he closes with a sentiment that I felt when I started this blog:

Democracy sucks when the only choices are between continuing to get shafted by one guy or to get shafted by the new guy.


Falling on a Bruise
Blog, UK Election Decisions, April 7, 2010.


Understanding Federal Job Postings

This first step in your successful federal job search is understanding what each piece of the job announcement means.

The ‘Job Title’ gives you the first clue to what the position is all about. For example, the ‘Human Resources’ part of the title is easy. However, the position type descriptor, ‘Assistant,’ says a lot about what you will be doing.

Most federal positions have two categories of positions for each field. A substantive, more independent version of this job would be a Human Resources Specialist. Assistant is usually interchangeably with Clerk or Technician. These identifiers mean that the position supports work at the specialist level. Getting in the door through an assistant position may create future opportunities, but you may be doing basic while you work your way up. For professional positions, the assistant/technician level jobs will be named in a similar manner as this HR Assistant. However, once you are in the professional field they will be named accordingly Civil Engineer or Economist.

*Note: All USAJobs vacancy announcement close at midnight eastern time.

The Pay System & Series & Grade piece of the announcement is critical for deciding if you meet the basic qualifications for a position. As you may have seen, there are many different types of positions. There are GS, YA, ZA, SV, etc. These are the pay schedule of the position. GS, otherwise known as the general schedule, is by far the most common. Each group of letters defines how you will be paid. The GS-system is a set of 15 grades, GS-01 to GS-15. Each grade has 10 steps and each step is a pay increase within that grade. I will be posting another entry specifically on qualifications requirements.
Other pay schedules, like YA or ZA, are pay banded systems, which means that there is a wider range of salary encompassing multiple levels of positions. The last numbers in the sequence GS-1320-13 tells you what grade (or band) the position falls within. The GS base pay is set worldwide and locality pay (in the US) or cost-of-living-adjustments (COLA for overseas) will be added on. Most US job announcements will list the salary amounts with the locality already added in. This position lists the GS-13 salary range with the locality pay added in.

The /13 piece means that this position does not have any promotion potential beyond the GS-13 level. For example, the HR Assistant position from above is a GS-06 target GS-07, written as GS-0203-06/07. Candidates can be hired at either grade depending on their qualifications. If they are hired at the GS-06, once they meet certain performance objectives and regulatory conditions, they can be promoted to the next grade without having to compete against their peers.

This non-competitive promotion potential is a widely used practice to allow and encourage the hiring of people who need training, but would make good hires. Some positions that start at a GS-07 have non-competitive promotion potential all the way to the GS-11! In three years, you can go from $40K to $60K per year.

The middle piece GS-0203-06 and GS-1320-13 is the job series of the position. Each series falls within an occupational category like the 0200s for Human Resources and the 1300s for the Physical Sciences. The following website details the wide variety of occupational families and the more specific job series under each: Feel free to explore to find types of jobs you would like. You can use the specific series you are interested in to narrow down your USAJobs search.

Stay tuned for the next installment…Are you qualified for this position? How to determine what you are qualified for?

For additional questions or clarifications, feel free to contact me: brownea2 at uw dot edu.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Info on articles about, for or on Abruzzo, Italy

(LAST EDITED/UPDATED: 27 February 2011)

Here are some links on articles about, for or on Abruzzo, Italy:

* = Blog entry has been updated.

For your specific interest, please search the web for further information using Google .

The above links as of this date are/were current. If anyone has any suggestions for any other additional web sites and/or links for reference, please feel free to post your comment and I'll update this blog entry.

Please note: If you want me to reply to your comment or request any further information by email, please include your email address in a separate comment. I will NOT publish any comments with an email address in it.

NOTE: If you want to leave a comment, please leave it in ENGLISH.

Broken links: Since November, 2005, I have written over 300+ blog entries with 1,000's of corresponding links/URLs for government jobs, covering a varied and wide range of topics. In the event if you come across a broken link or a non-functioning link/URL, please post a comment and report the non-functional link. I wish to thank you in advance for assisting me in the ongoing maintenance and the updating of this successful and informative blog.

Please note: I do NOT represent or endorse any of these links nor do I receive payment for listing them in my blog.

After 2 1/2+ years in Toscana/Tuscany the lease is up on our rental farm house in 5 months, my wife (dual citizen) and I are planning to move to Giulianova (TE) or to a coastal town somewhere in the regions of Abruzzo or the Marche. We are looking for a 2 bedroom and ideally, a 2 bathroom, apartment with an assigned parking space, if it's in a town along the coast. We have been and stayed in Fano (PU) and Giulianova (TE) and greatly enjoy the area, the people that we met and its food. My wife would like to go to the beach and possibly have a view of the water from our new apartment. So, if you know of a long term rental (we would even consider a short term one, 8 - 9 months) or someone with a rental apartment, starting in September/October, 2010, please leave a comment on my blog, government jobs, or my wife's blog, Friends and Family in Italy. I want to thank you, the readers of this blog entry, in advance for any assistance you can provide in this quest of ours.

BTW, we are experienced hosts and have operated a small guest house in Italy.

That's it for Wednesday, 7 April 2010: mercoledì, 7 aprile 2010

Ciao, Ben

government jobs – #1 source of links About, For or On Italy for those individuals moving, traveling or already living in Italy.

Today’s quote is an Italian saying from the Region of Abruzzo, author unknown.

"Forte e Gentile"
"strong and gentle"

When you have a free moment or two, please read my wife's interesting and entertaining blog about our life in Italy with photographs:

Friends and Family in Italy

Going to Spain, read my new blog:

Info About, For or On Spain – a source of links About, For or On Spain for those individuals traveling or already living in Spain.

Please note: The time listed below for this posting is Central European Time (CET)/ GMT+1.

(LAST EDITED/UPDATED: 27 February 2011)

© Benjamin H. Licodo, 2005 - 2011, All Rights Reserved.

Ah Yes, Healthcare "Reform"

OK, I'm not a total idiot. I know Rahm Emanuel's healthcare "reform" has some benefits, like allowing young adults to stay on their parents' plan longer, making it illegal to deny insurance on the basis of a pre-existing condition, etc. But it this healthcare "reform" is of, by and for the corporate wing of the Democratic Party. Thus I echo another take on the "sell out" that we call Obama's Healthcare Reform of 2010.

Walled-In Pond Blog
itemizes the TOP 10 Ways The Parasites Will Game The Law:
(call them loop holes)

1. Raising premiums

2. Kicking people out for pre-existing conditions

3. Changing your insurance plan

4. Making life more difficult for doctors

5. Tightening up internal practices

6. Marketing only to healthy people

7. Re-label current overhead expenses as health care

8. Taking full advantage of the unhealthy behavior premium

9. Charging old people as much as they can

10. Lobbying to make the most of the loopholes that exist and create others

See Expanded Post on each of Above.


Via Kos, and from Froomkin (HuffPost) and Meg Carpentier (WashInde)


Monday, April 5, 2010

The Downsides of Obama Healthcare "Reform"

The GLH Blog has tallied the many down-sides of the recently adopted health care law, under the banner Obama Sprinkled His Iowa Wealthcare Speech With Lies.

For example, Lie #1: "If people like their plan, they will keep their plan."

First, "Medicare Advantage" (the HMO version of Medicare) will face dramatic reductions in services because of funding cuts.

Second, "People With Mediocre Plans, which the corporate media call "Cadillac Care" (they must really, really hate Cadillacs) will face cutbacks in care, higher premiums, and higher copays when the excise taxes on those plans go into effect in 2018.

Then there is Lie #2: "The days of the insurance industry running roughshod over the American people are over."

First, The insurance companies and HMOs wrote this bill. It's filled with their loopholes.

Second, ever try to sue a health care company... while you're sick? Do you think government regulators are going to do the job for you? Think again.

And there are more:

Lie #3: "And so if you already have insurance, this reform will make it more secure and more affordable."

Lie #4: "And costs will come down for families, businesses, and the federal government, reducing our deficit by more than $1 trillion over the next two decades."

Deception #5: "And I want seniors to know: despite what some have said, these reforms will not cut your guaranteed benefits."

Lies #6 & #7 in One Sentence:
"Once this reform is implemented, health insurance exchanges will be created, a competitive marketplace where uninsured people and small businesses will finally be able to purchase affordable, quality insurance."

Given the risk of the Palin wing of the Republican Party lurking in the shadows, seeking to overthrow Obama, some might bristle at a strategy of hammering on Obama's healthcare "reform." The GLH bogger sums up his view this way:

Politics isn't team sports. Policies have very real impacts on peoples' lives, and that has to be taken a lot more seriously than many blogs on the left are doing so far. We need to stop cheering on the donkeys vs. the elephants and pay attention to what's actually going on.



Godless Liberal Homo Blog, April 4, 2010.
