Wednesday, March 31, 2010

GDAE Podcast - Episode 29

Can Left & Right Unite?

  • Today's Question: Would it be possible for principled people on the left and right join forces to government jobs?
  • Relfecting on the rising right wing populist movement that gravitated to McCain/Palin rallies in 2008, held tea bag rallies, and disrupted town hall meetings on healthcare.
  • Home grown Music: Voice of a nine-year-old and rough rendition of "Sliding Down"...
  • Prosecute Bush: "Arrest Blair dot Com"... as in British prime minister Tony Blair?

Play Episode 29 from this page:

Click to Download Episode 29.

Previous Episodes & 60-Sec Promo:
GDAE Podcast 60-Second Promo

GDAE Podcast Episode 28 March 7, 2010
GDAE Podcast Episode 27 February 21, 2010
GDAE Podcast Episode 26 February 7, 2010
GDAE Podcast Episode 25 January 19, 2010
GDAE Podcast Episode 24 December 31, 2009
GDAE Podcast Episode 23 November 29, 2009
GDAE Podcast Episode 22 November 11, 2009
GDAE Podcast Episode 21 October 18, 2009
GDAE Podcast Episode 20 October 9, 2009
GDAE Podcast Episode 19 September 27, 2009
GDAE Podcast Episode 18 September 16, 2009
GDAE Podcast Episode 17 August 31, 2009
GDAE Podcast Episode 16 July 30, 2009
GDAE Podcast Episode 15 June 17, 2009
GDAE Podcast Episode 14 June 10, 2009
GDAE Podcast Episode 13 May 22, 2009
GDAE Podcast Episode 12May 5, 2009
GDAE Podcast Episode 11 April 24, 2009
GDAE Podcast Episode 10 April 9, 2009
GDAE Podcast Episode 9March 28, 2009
GDAE Podcast Episode 8 March 15, 2009
GDAE Podcast Episode 7 March 1, 2009
GDAE Podcast Episode 6 February 17, 2009
GDAE Podcast Episode 5 February 6, 2009
GDAE Podcast Episode 4 January 24, 2009


Info on bus AKA autobus companies, routes and services in Tuscany/Toscana, Italy

Here are some links for bus AKA autobus companies, routes and services in Tuscany/Toscana, Italy:


* = Blog entry has been updated.

For your specific interest, please search the web for further information using Google .

The above links as of this date are/were current. If anyone has any suggestions for any other additional web sites and/or links for reference, please feel free to post your comment and I'll update this blog entry.

Please note: If you want me to reply to your comment or request any further information by email, please include your email address in a separate comment. I will NOT publish any comments with an email address in it.

NOTE: If you want to leave a comment, please leave it in ENGLISH.

Broken links: Since November, 2005, I have written over 350+ blog entries with 1,000's of corresponding links/URLs for government jobs, covering a varied and wide range of topics. In the event if you come across a broken link or a non-functioning link/URL, please post a comment and report the non-functional link. I wish to thank you in advance for assisting me in the ongoing maintenance and the updating of this successful and informative blog.

Please note: I do NOT represent or endorse any of these links nor do I receive payment for listing them in my blog.

Bus AKA autobus services in Tuscany/Toscana can be confusing. First of all, there is no unified public transportation for the region of Toscana/Tuscany. There are 10 provinces that make up the region of Toscana/Tuscany and there are 10 separate and independent entities/companies/consortia that provide bus/tram service in their respective province. Then, there are companies which are national or regional or local that provide intercity bus services.

That's it for Wednesday, 31 March 2010: mercoledì,31 marzo 2010

Ciao, Ben

government jobs – #1 source of links About, For or On Italy for those individuals moving, traveling or already living in Italy.

Today’s quote is an Italian proverb, author unknown.

"Il buono e buono, ma il migliore e meglio."
"The good is good, but the better is best."

Please read my wife's blog about our life in Italy with photographs:

Friends and Family in Italy

Going to Spain, read my new blog:

Info About, For or On Spain – a source of links About, For or On Spain for those individuals traveling or already living in Spain.

Please note: The time listed below for this posting is Central European Time (CET)/ GMT+1.

Monday, March 29, 2010

A New Politics

After a discussion about commonalities on the left and right of the political spectrum, a friend of mine summed up a compelling new politics. The "party" of Principled People versus what he called demagogues... it's not about "left" and "right."

Aside: I think he used the term "demagogues" for effect and simply meant "unprincipled" people. Admittedly, on controversial issues the notion of one's "principles" breaks down; the subject of abortion is one such example. But one can recognize principled people who conduct themselves in a fair and honest way.

Today's political situation is in flux and this "new politics," were it to manifest itself in electoral party politics, would be temporary. It would be an instance of moderate elements of the populist left and right asserting control to refresh a corrupted political system. Common people on the left and right recognize the corrupting influence of big money in both legislative and judicial elections.

Other areas of common interest between common people on the left and right include:

Concern about...

  • Consolidation of wealth perpetuated by Wall Street's culture of anything goes .
  • Consolidated control of the mass media
  • Consolidation of corporate control ... Big Business that outsources jobs and makes it impossible for small businesses to compete fairly.... monopolies, cartels, oligopolies.
  • We're concerned with what some call "activist judges"... like those Supreme Court judges who recently decided that corporations should have MORE influence over the political electoral process when the Citizens United case before them should have been decided on more narrow grounds.
  • We share a concern about police brutality

In other words, we share concerns about the consolidation of power among a small sector of our society.

  • We didn't like the bank bailouts that perpetuated this power when we had a chance to put the bankers in their place.
  • We believe in national sovereignty, something we give up with so-called "free trade" agreements written by transnational corporate lawyers.
  • We share opposition to warrantless wire tapping and other privacy invasions of the USA PATRIOT Act
  • We're mutually concerned about the erosion of of Posse Comitatus Act, which places limits on the US military's use of police powers for domestic law enforcement.
  • Similarly, we share concerns about the CIA conducting domestic operations contrary to its founding charter.
  • We share concerns about joblessness and homelessness
  • We share the concern that the two major political parties are increasingly out of touch with real concerns of the people, in part because we recognize they have been captured by a dysfunctional political system corrupted by the consolidated power referenced earlier.


GDAE Podcast Episode 29


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Info about blogs on the Italian language

(LAST EDITED/UPDATED: 25 March 2010)

Here are some links about blogs on the Italian language:


  • Best Italian Websites – Jim Becker, Professor Emeritus, University of Northern Iowa – Source: web site
  • Janet's Abruzzo Edublog – "I would like to post my thoughts on ELT issues, share some of my own lesson ideas for learners and teachers of English to use and to keep up to date with modern trends by following leading ELT specialists via their blogs. I would also like to write about life in the spectacularly beautiful region of Abruzzo." – Source: web site
  • MAGAZINES PLUS! – "RESOURCES" – Source: Mary Glasgow Magazines – "Teenage subjects for teenage language learners"
+ = Blog entry has a "Sound clip". Please turn on the speakers on your PC or connect headphones to either your PC or laptop.
* = Blog entry has been updated.

For your specific interest, please search the web for further information using Google .

The above links as of this date are/were current. If anyone has any suggestions for any other additional web sites and/or links for reference, please feel free to post your comment and I'll update this blog entry.

Please note: If you want me to reply to your comment or request any further information by email, please include your email address in a separate comment. I will NOT publish any comments with an email address in it.

NOTE: If you want to leave a comment, please leave it in ENGLISH.

Broken links: Since November, 2005, I have written over 300+ blog entries with 1,000's of corresponding links/URLs for government jobs, covering a varied and wide range of topics. In the event if you come across a broken link or a non-functioning link/URL, please post a comment and report the non-functional link. I wish to thank you in advance for assisting me in the ongoing maintenance and the updating of this successful and informative blog.

Please note: I do NOT represent or endorse any of these links nor do I receive payment for listing them in my blog.


This blog entry is dedicated to the spring semester class, 2010 of young women attending the "first faculty-led" 2010 session of Meredith College Study Abroad, Italy program of Meredith College, Raleigh, NC. This program is located at Palazzo Alberti in the city of Sansepolcro which is in the province of Arezzo in the region known as Tuscany AKA Toscana. My wife, Martha, who is a Meredith College graduate and I will have the opportunity today to visit Palazzo Alberti. We will have the pleasure and honor to meet these young women (Gianna, Hilary, Jessica, Kayley, Kelsey, Kimberlee, Lilly, Megan and Shannon) along with Dr. Betty Webb, Director of International Programs and her husband, Mr. John Rose, Dr. Janice Swabb and her husband, Ed, whom teaches the Natural History of Italy course, Miss Rebekah Williams, Residence Director and the local support staff. We met Signora Sara Andreini, Associate Director of Meredith in Italy on a previous visit,

That's it for Wednesday, 24 March 2010: mercoledì, 24 marzo 2010

Ciao, Ben

government jobs – #1 source of links About, For or On Italy for those individuals moving, traveling or already living in Italy.

Today’s quote is an Italian saying, author unknown.
"ultime parole famose"
"famous last words"

Please read my wife's blog about our life with photographs in Italy:

Friends and Family in Italy

Going to Spain, read my new blog:

Info About, For or On Spain – a source of links About, For or On Spain for those individuals traveling or already living in Spain.

Please note: The time listed below for this posting is Central European Time (CET)/ GMT+1.

(LAST EDITED/UPDATED: 25 March 2010)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Michael Moore St. Patrick's Day Broadside

The working class people who believe the propaganda against Michael Moore should examine the source of that propaganda... fact is, Michael Moore is on our side, the side of working people.

This is a long one from Michael, so I'll skip to the end in the spirit of this blog, which challenges both the Democratic and Republican establishment, among other status quo elites.

Thank you, Democrats. I'll sleep better knowing that you're looking out for all of us.

Yea, right. He's being facetious here.

The Green They Steal, The Greed They Wear

By Michael Moore

March 17, 2010


It was amazing. Every story on the front page of Monday's New York Times told the story of the Age of Greed during which a system known as capitalism is slowly, but surely, killing us:

Insurance company greed: "Millions Spent to Sway Democrats on Health Care"

War profiteers: "Contractors Tied to Effort to Track and Kill Militants"

There's no profit in repairing our infrastructure: "Repair Costs Daunting as Water Lines Crumble"

China, the bank: "China Uses Rules on Global Trade to Its Advantage"

You mean NAFTA didn't improve life in Mexico: "Two Drug Slayings in Mexico Rock US Consulate"

What happens when Big Food profits from hurting kids: "Forget Goofing Around: Recess Has New Boss"

There's now a daily parade of news like this -- well, not really "news," more like the media division of large corporations shoving your face into the dirt that is your life. You already know the schools are a disaster and the war is a boon for the Halliburtons and a bust for you. You don't need a newspaper to tell you the roads and electrical lines and the local sewage plant is in miserable disrepair.

And by now you've figured out that you don't really have any say in this, that what we call the "democratic process" is mostly a sham, pretty words that get repeated in the hopes we will all still fall for it. But the fix is in and we don't fall for it anymore. Admit it: Wall Street owns "our" Congress lock, stock and big barrel o' campaign cash. You want a say in this? Well, I don't see you on the Forbes 400, so shut the f@*& up and go fetch me another bottle of bubbly.

Within days, the House of Representatives will vote to pass the Senate health care "reform" bill. This bill is a joke. It has NOTHING to do with "health care reform." It has EVERYTHING to do with lining the pockets of the health insurance industry. It forces, by law, every American who isn't old or destitute to buy health insurance if their boss doesn't provide it. What company wouldn't love the government forcing the public to buy that company's product?! Imagine a bill that ordered every citizen to buy the extended warranty on all their appliances? Imagine a law that made it illegal not to own an iPhone? Or how 'bout I get a law passed that makes it compulsory for every American to go see my next movie? Woo-hoo! Who wouldn't love a sweet set-up like this windfall?

Well, the insurance companies -- get this -- don't like the Democrats' bill! That alone should be reason enough to vote for it.

Now, you would think these thieves would love this bill -- but they are actually fighting it. Why? Because it doesn't give them ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of the what they want. It only gives them... 90%! YOU SEE, pure greed demands all or nothing.

The insurance industry hates this bill because it puts a few minor restrictions on them. Six months after its passage they won't be able to deny children coverage if they have a pre-existing condition. How awful! Government interference! SOCIALISM!

But, hey, they'll still be able to deny these children's parents coverage until 2014! So if a parent gets sick and dies in the next four years, I'm sure someone will step in and raise these already-insured orphans.

And how big will the fines be if the insurance companies do deny someone coverage for having a pre-existing condition? Are you sitting down? A hundred dollars a day! That's it! So if you're the insurance company, and Judy is a customer of yours, and Judy needs an operation that will cost $100,000, what do you do? You take the fine! Let's say Judy lives another year after you've sentenced her to death, your $100-a-day fine will only cost you $36,500! That's a savings of $63,500! And trust me, my friends, that's EXACTLY what's going to happen.

There are some good things in this bill. Parents will be able to keep their children on their policy until the kids turn 26. A few things like that. So, yes, pass that.

But don't insult me and 300 million Americans by calling this "health care reform." At least you've stopped calling it "universal health care." We will not have universal health care or anything close to it. I wish the president and the Democratic leadership would just stand up and say, "We're sorry, America. We didn't get the job done you sent us here to do. We're weak and scared and unable to communicate the simplest of messages to the American people. Therefore, our bill will guarantee that 12 million of you will still have NO health insurance. And that's because we have decided to leave the greedy, private insurance industry in charge of our system. Forgive us for this and for continuing to allow profit to be the determining factor as to whether a patient gets the help she or he needs."

Please, Democrats -- just say that -- then pass this poor excuse of a bill. Pass it because, if President Obama takes a fall on this one, I don't know if he'll be able to get back up. And then NOTHING will get done. We can't have that. (And thank you Dennis Kucinich for hanging in there right up to the end and being the only one out of the 435 members to speak the awful truth.)

On the front page of yesterday's New York Times, the dateline was, sadly, once again, "Flint, Michigan." The story was about how doctors are no longer accepting Medicaid patients. Which means tens of thousands of poor can no longer go to the doctor. Last year, the State of Michigan also prohibited doctors from accepting Medicaid patients who had anything wrong with their vision, their hearing, their feet or their teeth. In a 16-county area northwest of Flint, there will soon be not one single hospital that will allow you to give birth there if you're on Medicaid. The official unemployment rate in Flint is 27% (unofficially, closer to 40%).

This is an American tragedy. And, as I've warned you for years, this tsunami is heading your way -- if it's not there already.

I've just turned on my new iPhone and it informs me that it has "apps" it would like to suggest I buy. One is called "Scanner." It will allow me to listen in on police scanners anywhere across the country. I buy the app. I see that the Flint police scanner is part of this. I turn it on out of curiosity. And this is what I hear, at one in the morning: A woman is being beaten by her husband... A home invasion is taking place ("16-year-old black male, wearing a white skull cap")... A child has been missing since noon today... Another woman is being beaten by her boyfriend... A diabetic, obese man is having trouble breathing and needs to be rushed to the hospital (there will be three more of these obese diabetics in the hours to come; the entire town is ill)... One more woman calling, screaming for help, "officers urged to use caution..."

...And on and on and on. This is what I have listened to before going to bed. I am filled with despair and helplessness as I hear my former neighbors crying out for help. I hate it. I have to turn it off. I start to cry. Thank you, iPhone. Thank you, Democrats. I'll sleep better knowing that you're looking out for all of us.


Michael Moore

P.S. I'll continue my jihad today on Dylan Ratigan (MSNBC, 4pm ET) and, for the first time together in the same studio since our, um, 2007 debate, I'll join Wolf Blitzer live in his CNN Studio (5-8pm, ET). I'll also be on live for the entire 11am hour this morning on the wonderful Diane Rehm Show on NPR. You can listen live online here.

The rest of the day I'll spend wandering the halls of Congress with my shillelagh and shamrocks, doing my best impersonation of St. Patrick as I try to drive the snakes out of Capitol Hill. Wish me luck...



Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Info on the usage of ATM, debit and credit cards in Italy and Europe


Here are some links on the usage of ATM, debit and credit cards in Italy and Europe:

PLEASE NOTE: The information being provided is primarily for debit and credit cards issued from institutions based in the USA except where noted below.

* = Blog entry has been updated.

For your specific interest, please search the web for further information using Google .

The above links as of this date are/were current. If anyone has any suggestions for any other additional web sites and/or links for reference, please feel free to post your comment and I'll update this blog entry.

Please note: If you want me to reply to your comment or request any further information by email, please include your email address in a separate comment. I will NOT publish any comments with an email address in it.

NOTE: If you want to leave a comment, please leave it in ENGLISH.

Broken links: Since November, 2005, I have written over 300+ blog entries with 1,000's of corresponding links/URLs for government jobs, covering a varied and wide range of topics. In the event if you come across a broken link or a non-functioning link/URL, please post a comment and report the non-functional link. I wish to thank you in advance for assisting me in the ongoing maintenance and the updating of this successful and informative blog.

Please note: I do NOT represent or endorse any of these links nor do I receive payment for listing them in my blog.

CAVEAT/WARNING: Also, before you leave on your overseas trip, please inform the issuer of your respective ATM, debit cards and/or credit cards that you may be using their respective card in a foreign country and which foreign countries. Please provide your travel departure and return dates and the countries to be visited. Failure to do so may result in the debit or credit card charge being REFUSED by the establishment where you are attempting to use your debit or credit card or at an ATM machine!

BTW, it helps to have multiple
ATM, debit cards and/or credit cards with you. One night at one of the bancomat (read ATM) machines, my wife's USA issued ATM card got "eaten" by the bancomat. It took over three weeks before she had received a replacement card. The reason for the delay was that a USA issued replacement card could only be sent to our USA address of record and NOT to a foreign mailing address. This may not be the same for your respective ATM card provider but for my wife's that was the procedure in place. Fortunately for us, we were alble to use my ATM card in the meantime.

That's it for Wednesday, 17 March 2010: mercoledì, 17 marzo 2010

Ciao, Ben

government jobs – #1 source of links About, For or On Italy for those individuals moving, traveling or already living in Italy.

Today’s quote is an Italian proverb, author unknown.

"Il denaro apre tutte le porte."
"Money opens all doors."

Please read my wife's blog about our life in Italy with photographs:

Friends and Family in Italy

Going to Spain, read my new blog:

Info About, For or On Spain – a source of links About, For or On Spain for those individuals traveling or already living in Spain.

Please note: The time listed below for this posting is Central European Time (CET)/ GMT+1.


Sunday, March 14, 2010


The establishment continues to promote the war on terror, and Obama plays along, because he is a prisoner.

Meanwhile about 40,000 people die prematurely in the exceptional U. S. of A. because we are SO SKEERD of the boogie men out there that we run around like the keystone cops “solving” all the wrong problems in cahoots with the corporations that are bringing all of this upon us by their get-rich-now activities that terrorize all living creatures.

I’d like to sneak up from behind the frigg’n establishment types and say “Boo!” from the unwashed masses.

<span class=gdaeman_scroll_small">

Friday, March 12, 2010

Intelligence Community Virtual Career Fair - March 16 2010

Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity! For more information and to register visit:

Meet the CIA online at the Intelligence Community Virtual Career Fair on Tuesday, March 16th 2010 from 10am - 8pm E.T. Available Career Opportunities:

Student Positions: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Analytical Interns
• Analytical Methodologists, Military Analysts, and Open Source Center Officers
• Contract Auditor; Contracting Officer; Contract Specialist; Finance Resource Officers

Also, the IC Virtual Career Fair will offer hundreds of career opportunities available in a diverse array of disciplines, including:

• Cybersecurity/Information Assurance; Engineering and Physical Science; Foreign Languages; Information Technology; Intelligence Analysis; Law Enforcement; Many others

The United States Intelligence Community (IC), an integrated network of agencies that work together to protect our Nation's security, is seeking a culturally diverse, technically savvy workforce for exciting careers in a number of fields. Join us at the IC Virtual Career Fair to explore career opportunities, chat with recruiters, and apply for job openings - all from the comfort of your computer!

At the IC Virtual Career Fair you will be able to:

• Visit virtual booths for Intelligence Community agencies
• Chat with recruiters in real time
• Apply to job openings
• Network with other job seekers
• Watch live presentations
• Download electronic brochures and videos
• Best of all there are no travel expenses and suits are not required!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Thank You Mr. President - Relay

The following came to me by e-mail. It seems appropriate for this site. This is a relay.

Thank You Mr President

The Video That Will Put Geithner Behind Bars

One Of The Greatest Crimes Ever Perpetrated

By Mike Whitney

March 13, 2010

Check it out:

The Future Is Now!
Peace Takes Courage
Together We Can Make A Difference!

Fix Congress First
American flag header image
U.S. Constitution: Preamble
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The Constitution of the United States of America (Text):
The Constitution of the United States of America (Audio):

Oath Of Office
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.


Sunday, March 7, 2010

GDAE Podcast - Episode 28

  What Motivates Political Action?
  • Corporate Power: Supreme Court sides with Coal Mine Profits over People.
  • Prosecute Bush: The Chilcot Inquiry into Britain's role in the Iraq war, a window into a US inquiry.
  • MUSIC: Francisco Herrera mixed with poetry, "Casas de Carton"... 
  • The Psychology of Motivating Action: Is "more" always better? Research suggests that isn't the case. 
  • Experimental psychology: The Gaza Strip test case.
  • Hope: A key ingredient in a person's decision to join a cause.

Friday, March 5, 2010

10 Steps to Start Taking Back American Democracy

The more interesting ones come at the end of the list...

1. Secure the Vote (Remove doubts from the voting process)
2. Expand Voter Participation
3. Increase Voter Choice with Instant Runoff Voting (Require the winner to have at least 50% of the voting public's support)
4. Scrap Winner-Take-All Elections (Proportional Representation)
5. Direct Election of the President
6. Overhaul the U.S. Senate
7. Reclaim the Airwaves
8. Minimize Money's Role
9. Reform the Supreme Court
10. Restore Faith in Government of the People.


Steven Hill book, "10 Steps to Repair American Democracy".


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Insider Perspective: U.S. Department of State

Check out this brief audio presentation and gain an insider’s perspective. Explore the U.S. Department of State’s careers page for additional insights and opportunities. Stay connected with UW career services offices as well to stay in-the-loop for opportunities to network with recruiters and alumni.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Info on some of my blog entries (URLs) for Roma/Rome, Italy


Here are some of my blog entries (URLs) for Roma/Rome, Italy:

BLOG ENTRIES (URLs) FOR ROMA/ROME * = Blog entry has been updated.

For your specific interest, please search the web for further information using Google .

The above links as of this date are/were current. If anyone has any suggestions for any other additional web sites and/or links for reference, please feel free to post your comment and I'll update this blog entry.

Please note: If you want me to reply to your comment or request any further information by email, please include your email address in a separate comment. I will NOT publish any comments with an email address in it.

NOTE: If you want to leave a comment, please leave it in ENGLISH.

Broken links: Since November, 2005, I have written over 300+ blog entries with 1,000's of corresponding links/URLs for government jobs, covering a varied and wide range of topics. In the event that you come across a broken link or a non-functioning link/URL, please post a comment and report the non-functional link. I wish to thank you in advance for assisting me in the ongoing maintenance and the updating of this successful and informative blog.

From 22 December 2009 until 10 January 2010, my wife and I were in Roma, dog, cat and apartment sitting. While we were there, her cousin, Bonnie, and husband, Pete, from Ocean City, NJ came over for a short visit. I had either updated my existing blog entry for Rome or created new blog entries for their respective visit.

Their visit and time with us along with a grand farewell and very tasty seafood dinner have provided us with many fond and lasting memories of our time in Roma and with Bonnie and Pete.

That's it for Wednesday, 3 March 2010: mercoledì, 3 marzo 2010

Ciao, Ben

government jobs – #1 source of links About, For or On Italy for those individuals moving, traveling or already living in Italy.

Today’s quote is an Italian proverb, author unknown.

"Roma non fu fatta in un giorno."

"Rome wasn't built in a day."

When you have a free moment or two, please read my wife's interesting and entertaining blog about our life in Italy with photographs:

Friends and Family in Italy

Going to Spain, read my new blog:

Info About, For or On Spain – a source of links About, For or On Spain for those individuals traveling or already living in Spain.

Please note: The time listed below for this posting is Central European Time (CET)/ GMT+1.


© Benjamin H. Licodo, 2005 - 2011, All Rights Reserved.